Winternachtsdroom / De Boeck, August

Price: 17.50‎€


August De Boeck was one of Flanders most gifted composers. His oeuvre covers about 350 compositions in all genres, including 110 songs.
'Winternachtsdroom' is a brilliantly orchestrated fairy tale opera written in 1902. It is an opera in one act and two scenes based on poem by Léonce du Catillon: Songe d'une Nuit d'Hiver.

Instrumentation clarinet choir with voice + piano
Instrumentation (details) Eb cl, Bb cl 1, 2, 3, 4, alto cl, bass cl, (contralto cl), cbass cl
Instrumentation (additional) piano
Instrumentation Grade 3 - Difficult
Vocal/choir soprano
Vocal/choir grade 3 - Difficult
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Other compositions of De Boeck, August:

C'est en toi, bien aimé
Dahomese Rapsodie